mandag den 19. marts 2018

Fejler du i poesien, fejler du også i livet

Charles Bukowski sammen med Mickey Rourke castet som Hank Chinaski.
Still fra filmen Making of Barfly.

it is quite easy to appear modern
while in reality being the biggest damnfool
                                                               ever born;
I know: I have gotten away with some awful stuff
but not nearly such awful pot as I read in the journals;
I have an honesty self-born of whores and hospitals
that will not allow me to pretend to be
something which I am not –
which is a double failure: the failure of people
in poetry
and the failure of people
in life.
and when you fail in poetry
you fail in life,
and when you fail life
you were never born
no matter what the statistics
or what your mother named you.

                                                Charles Bukowski 

Uddrag af “A Word on the Quick and Modern Poem-Makers”, sakset fra The Roominghouse Madrigals. Early Selected Poems 1946-1966.